VIE hosting
Plug your VIE directly to the Bay Area ecosystem
If you are a French company that wishes to send a V.I.E applicant to San Francisco Bay Area, but you don't have local offices, the FACC San Francisco can host your Exchange Visitor within our offices. In addition to providing essentials to support their day-to-day business needs (desk, printer, coffee...), they can benefit from the proximity of FACCSF staff, our extensive network and attend our events.
What is the V.I.E. Program?
The V.I.E. Program (Volontariat International en Entreprise) is funded and operated by the French Government via Business France, a French government agency. The V.I.E Program offers European students and young professionals the opportunity to train in the United States for 6 to 18 months to expand their skillset and add value to their companies when they return home.
This international internship program has enabled more than 100,000 participants to gain professional experience all over the world since it was launched in 2001.
As an approved sponsor for J-1 visas by the Department of State, the FACC network can sponsor V.I.E applicants who have been accepted by Business France and have already received a hosting offer from a U.S. company.